Job Related Issues: My Wife Earns More
Money is a very emotive issue and that’s why the number one dreaded job interview question is ‘how much do you expect to earn? Bring the issue of money in marriage and you will get fireworks.Whereas many men are comfortable with other women in office earning more than them, many cannot stomach their partners earning even a shilling more than they do. Is it a curse? I rarely heard a man says very proudly about his wife that she is very efficient and earns more than he does.
I have noticed that some men have a problem with their wives making more money than they do.
There is an overwhelming belief in our society that the man is the primary breadwinner and the woman the homemaker irrespective of all the high talks about the gender equality.
Like every coin has two sides, wife’s earnings also do the same. World is changing so is the ego of the man.
Some men are taking it positively and some are still in that primitive age and finding it difficult to get adjusted with the notion of wife earning more than him. They are forgetting that every relationship has to be based on love and trust and not on Money (at least in my thinking).
Being a man i want to hear the other side of the argument from our sisters who earn more than their sweet hearts. I’ve been wondering . . . how does this work? You are a woman, you work and so does your husband or boyfriend, but you earn like 3X what he earns. How do you reconcile this?
Is it healthy for the marriage?
Do you pay your money into your hubby’s account and let him manage your finances (even if he does a not-so good job) OR do you keep the money in your account and issue the cheques as you deem fit or if/when you feel like it?Do you get to make major decisions like where you live, what schools the children attend, which cars to buy e.t.c. since you make the money anyways OR do you operate a joint account and make financial decisions together (and sometimes ignore times when you know your money is being mis-managed).
Finally (this is very important) . . Do you get to live a like a pauper, just so you don’t make him feel less of a man by paying for majority of the things that would make life more convenient for the family which he cannot afford but you can
What would be the most reasonable method/approach to avoid resentment/bitterness?
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