Kenya Polytechnic Deans of Faculties Jobs in Kenya
The Kenya Polytechnic University College
A Constituent College of the University of Nairobi
Institutional Profile
The Kenya Polytechnic University College was established through the upgrading of the former Kenya Polytechnic in August 2007. The Kenya Polytechnic was established in 1961 as a tertiary institution to offer education and training in technological and vocational disciplines.
The Kenya Polytechnic University College is a constituent college of the University of Nairobi. The core of the mandate of the Kenya Polytechnic University College is to offer technical and vocational education and training (WET) at both the polytechnic and university levels. The college shall continue to offer programmes at the Diploma and certificate levels even as it expands its mandate to offer as well degree programmes.
The institution is thus in effect a ‘polytechnical university college’. The college currently has a student registration of some 8,700 students made up as 4,300 full-time students with 4,400 part-time students. The bulk of the students are pursuing programmes leading to the award of Diploma. The college admitted her first students on the degree programmes in January 2009.
Vacancies Re-Advertisement
The Kenya Polytechnic University College is seeking to recruit Deans of Faculties as follows:
1. Dean, Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology (Ref/No. A D/0023/1 0)
2. Dean, Faculty of the Arts and Technology Studies (Ref/No. A D/0024/1 0)
3. Dean, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment (Ref/No. A D/0025/1 0)
The Dean of Faculty is the academic and administrative head of the Faculty. The Dean shall, under the general direction of the Principal, be expected to provide general and strategic leadership to the Faculty and to this extent shall have overall responsibility for the direction, organisation, and administration of the programmes within the Faculty.
The Dean shall be expected to provide academic leadership in his/her area of specialization and shall be required to dedicate at least forty percent of his/her time to academic pursuits including teaching responsibilities.
The successful candidate shall thus be simultaneously appointed to the position of professor in the teaching Department of their field of specialisation within the university college, and should thus in addition be qualified to be appointed as such.
Candidates for this position shall be senior scholars with considerable experience in university teaching, research, and administration. They should posses an earned PhD degree or equivalent with experience of at least three years at the level of Chairman of Department in a university or an equivalent institution of higher learning.
The various Faculties of the University College are organised into the following academic units:
1. Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology
School of Health Sciences and Technology: biomedical sciences and technology, community and public health, healthcare and hospital services management, nutrition and dietetics, and pharmaceutical sciences and technology
School of Pure and Applied Sciences: biochemistry and biotechnology, biological science and technology, chemical science and technology, earth and environmental science, food science and technology, and technical and applied physics
School of Mathematics and Statistics: business and financial mathematics, engineering and technical mathematics, pure and applied mathematics, and statistics and computational mathematics.
2. Faculty of the Arts and Technology Studies
School of Business and Legal Studies: accounting and finance, business administration, economics and development studies, law and legal studies, management science and technology, and secretarial and office administration
School of Creative Arts and Technologies: design and creative media, fashion and textiles, journalism and mass communication, music and performing arts, and printing and media technology
School of Hospitality and Tourism Management: event and convention management, hotel and restaurant management, institutional catering and accommodation, and tourism and travel management
School of Social and Cultural Studies: language and communication studies, library and information studies, science and technology studies, and social and intercultural studies
School of Architecture and the Built Environment: architecture and environmental design, building science and technology, construction economics and management, land and infrastructure management, real estate and property management, spatial planning design
School of Engineering Science and Technology: aeronautical and aviation engineering, chemical and process engineering, civil and environmental engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, geospatial science and engineering, and mechanical and industrial engineering.
School of Information and Communication Technologies: computer communication systems, computer science and technology, information systems and technology, and scientific computing and modelling
Tenure of Appointment
The appointments to these positions are tenable on contract for a period of five years and renewable under mutual agreement.
The remuneration shall be in line with the general wage structure in the public university system in Kenya and shall be at Job Group XVI. In addition, there shall be attractive allowances and other benefits as approved by Council.
Those who already responded to the earlier advertisement for the positions of Deans of Faculty need not apply.
Applicants should forward ten (10) copies of their application letters accompanied by a similar number of certified copies of certificates and C.Vs giving details of their qualifications, experience, research activities and journal publications together with their current benefits.
They should in addition, give names, current designations and addresses of three (3) referees. They must request their referees to forward their reports directly to the University College Principal through the address below.
The REFERENCE NUMBERS of posts applied for should be clearly quoted on the envelopes and in the applicant’s cover letters.
ALL Applications should be addressed to:
The Principal,
The Kenya Polytechnic University College
P. 0. Box 52428-00200, City Square, Nairobi.
The Kenya Polytechnic University College
P. 0. Box 52428-00200, City Square, Nairobi.
Deadline: Friday 15th October,2010
For further details, log on to:
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