Jobs in Kenya

October 10, 2010

Male Bosses And Their Secretaries

Male Bosses And Their Secretaries

I overheard a rumor today that one of my lady friends got married to the boss last weekend. Being a Friday, I want us to discuss or dwell on the issue of secretaries and their male bosses and throw in some attraction while at it!

Why do many male bosses find their secretaries attractive? I did some digging around.

Whether any scientific study has been made as to the proportion of men who fancy their secretaries, I do not know, but there seem to be so many factors involved here that the blanket assumption – men find their secretaries attractive – is surely begging too many questions to be taken at face value.

For example:
• Not every woman who works as a secretary is young and beautiful
• Not every woman is looking to seduce her boss
•Not every man, or every woman, wants to be unfaithful to their partner

That said, there are such things as office romances, and it does sometimes happen that a boss and his secretary will become sexually attracted to each other. In a previous place of work of mine, there was a famous occasion when a couple was discovered in their office after hours, and both of them lost their jobs as a result.

OK then, let’s assume that some men do find their secretaries attractive, and seek to do something about it. And let’s also assume that some secretaries are willing partners in the affair. Why should this be?
Here is what I found out:

Availability. Busy managers may well spend more time in the company of their secretaries, or other office staff, than they do with their wives. Assuming that the working day is nine to five, and the time spent traveling is an hour at the end of each day, and time sleeping is eight hours, that’s 17 out of the 24 hours accounted for already. If the man takes work home in the evening, spends at least some time with the children and plays or watches sport at the weekend, the actual time spent with his wife is not all that great.

• Position of superiority. A boss is in a position of authority over a secretary. He is telling her what to do all day, and she will follow his instructions. That is quite a turn-on for some men, who might well fantasize about taking that relationship out of the office and into the bedroom. Wives, , don’t like being told what to do but secretaries are used to it. We men are stupid like that!

• Jealousy. A marriage that is going through a sticky patch might give rise to a man imagining that if he could make his wife just a teeny bit jealous, she might become more accommodating to his wishes. Give her the impression that there is another potential sexual partner in his life who is in competition with her, and … Like I said above, some men are stupid like that!

• It takes two to tango. A woman who works for a powerful boss might see herself gaining in personal status if she makes herself available to him in more than a purely business capacity. Being friendly to your boss is in your best interest, but some women go too far in this direction and put out signals that are taken as sexual ones.

Also bear in mind that the office environment is unlikely to consist of single male bosses employing single female secretaries. There is competition going on to gain the boss’s favour, and some women use a variety of techniques to win the game. Some bosses are attracted to their secretaries because the secretaries do the attracting, whether consciously or not.

So there you are. Mother Nature’s plan is for the male animal to seduce the female, so that the female will be impregnated by the male and produce the next generation. She (Mother Nature that is) is not too bothered whether the males and females in question are morally entitled to “get it on”, but she does what she can to put the pieces in place for such unions to happen, in terms of male lust and female beauty and coquettish.
When the social conditions of the workplace put good-looking people of the opposite sex into close proximity for long periods of time, they are only helping Mother Nature to bring the plan to fruition!
Enjoy furahi-day!!


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