Jobs in Kenya

October 22, 2010

Dealing With Boredom At Work

Dealing With Boredom At Work

I’m at a point (again) where I find myself brooding about career options. You see I’m two months shy of celebrating my third year with my current employer. Although, I’m not 100% certain if I should celebrate or not.
Work-wise, everything seems to be stable. But the stability bores me sometimes. I try to find ways to create more excitement so that my days at work wouldn’t be all ho-hum and dreary. Of late, I do more ancillary projects for the boss so that I’ll be more productive.
What do I do when faced with bouts of boredom at work?
1. I re-visit my CV and update it.
2. Touch base with former colleagues and other professionals in social networking sites. I am a fan of twitter
3. Check out internet job sites to see if there are opportunities better than what my current employer offers.
4. Catch up on industry-related trends. In short, I should read up more about Human Resource
5. Consider going back to school? I’m not really sold to the idea. The biggest hurdle with school at this point is the lack of time to do it. And not to mention, the additional expenses that will drain my savings.

No matter how we love our jobs, there will come a point wherein we feel that we’ve reached the plateau. I believe that it’s part of the cycle in one’s career and it’s entirely up to us how to make it more exciting.
Are you bored with your job?

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