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September 22, 2010

Young Professional Men. Guide To Finding Yourself A Good Partner.

Young Professional Men. Guide To Finding Yourself A Good Partner.

Where are all the good career women? We tell you the good, the bad, and the very ugly truth.

Just like you, I have been fascinated by the story of the Nigerian pastor and the 10,000 beautiful Kenyan women looking for the elusive Kenyan man. At first, I ignored it for the sole reason that I am not a relationship expert and always prefer to leave the job to the professionals. But then again, it hit me hard. Those women and ladies who were at KICC were the young 20’s to 30’s.

Women who are young in their careers and jobs. What happened to their counterparts males? I went to the Nairobi streets and talked to the young men and luckily you will get all the advice you need here. Apparently the reason why many young men are not interested in marriage is because of the unbecoming behavior of many young professional women. Please read on as narrated by one Chris…..

Why is it so hard to find a really good woman nowadays? Is it because we men spoilt them silly or pampered them to the state of rotting grades? Could it be the media playing a big part in it too? Making women feel like it’s a better world without men around sometimes.

In this topic I am writing, I am going to show you what a regular good guy (assuming this chap is of sound mind and characteristic standing here) should look out for, and what he should do if he wants to know if he can proudly bring his date home to the parents.

Just follow the methods of what I mention below and chances are, you may get the right lady for a rewarding and blissful relationship.

1) man-hater.
Heard of those feminist bitches that never stop bad mouthing a man’s dignity, his career, his pockets, and even the size of his manhood in his trousers? The poor guy will never understand what he ever did or said but this woman of his will never be satisfied with him.

Usually, this sort of man-hater woman grew up in an environment where her mother is the boss of the household and she is taught and shown that all men are useless creatures who only know how to eat, fucks and sleep.

There’s a high chance she is doing extremely well in a corporate career. Earns tons of money too. Date this kind of woman if you are a gigolo.

2)Natural beauty and extreme vanity are different things
All men are captivated by beauty. Including myself. There’s nothing shameful to admit this. I’ve met countless beautiful women in my scope of work (I work as a doctor).

I am very attracted to naturally good looking women who bother to eat healthily, exercise, are hygienic, and practical. When you take a good look at their faces, they have a barely-there kind of make up and yet, their complexion is flawless. They never brag about themselves and are always humble.

While on the other hand, there are the so-called attractive women, who look presentable, usually can turn heads when they walk pass. Unfortunately, these are the ones who talk 24/7 about their facial treatments, their hair, their false eyelashes, their fake accent, their hand bags, their dressing, their foundation and powder, their holiday trips, their boobs or what ever fucks. It’s all about her. And only her and no one else but her. Get the point?

Yes, they are good lookers, but when they start to talk, I realize that their only concern is: Themselves.
If you are thinking of marrying these kind, be prepared that she will never take good care of you if you ever need it. But, if you are looking for a good time, she can make your mates envy you.

3) Watch out for the Gold Digger

“Plain and simple, you got lots of money, I give you honey.” Gold Diggers’ all time favorite sloganSo, what typifies a Gold Digger?

A lady who will do anything to get her hands on your wallet, savings account, Swiss bank secret account, your family’s treasure or whatever she deems as potential valuables. She will tell you how big your house is, how big your car is and how big your dick is, just to get your approval and access to your money.

Now, not all women who want money are completely bad. What about some woman who are genuinely sincere but need some financial help from us men? I say, we help them. To our very best. But, we have to be wise enough to test and prove her love for you is real and it’s not just your wallet she is after.

Of cos, there are cases where D.O.M (Dirty Old Men) lost their entire savings to young pretty foreign things. They saw that coming, yet, they insist on helping their young girlfriend’s “relative very sick, need money to safe lives” usual lame excuses.

I mean, take a fucking good look at yourself first.

All wrinkled up, lost so many teeth, vision impaired, and dick barely feels anything except with the sex pills’ aid. What the fuck does she see in you? Bad breath and all wrinkled, crumpled up penis? These are the assholes who give men the bad image when they grow old.

Who should allow a Gold Digger into their lives? The blind, those who just got rich from lottery or inherited-some-fortune witless dudes.

4) spendthrift women

She is different from the Gold Digger I mentioned earlier. She uses her money instead of yours. Frugality does not exist in her vocabulary.

I am sure most men read up about a hot gal profile on facebook or some personal questionnaire about her. One of her favorite pastime is, shopping. Nothing wrong with that. She is helping with the economy anyway. She spends so that others get to keep their jobs. What if your woman is in this category?

First thing you need is, a bigger car to load her shopping bags, then a bigger house with a larger storeroom to put her countless hand bags, shoes, clothes, accessories, cosmetics, stuff toys, and whatever shit she can buy with money..

The worst scenario is when both the man and woman are under the same category.
What happens when one of them became jobless and have no more income?

With such an unhealthy habit, do you think she will be happy about cutting down her spending? I don’t think so. She is definitely stressed up. May blame the man for being useless and not making enough money like her and so on.

The spendthrift women or men always love to compare their properties like gadgets, cars, houses, clothes, and brands with just about anyone. And forever get stressed up when they “lose” out to whoever they are comparing with. Therefore, “money no enough” mentality creeps in, and forever enslaves them with materialism.

Another characteristic about them is, they all hate to have children after they are married. Because, that means, they have to share their earnings with their kids.

Who should date or marry these spendthrift women?
The “I think I Love her” idiot or the spendthrift men themselves

5) possessive women

How many of you actually come across this sort of women? And why do we still allow them to rule over us? Your mobile phone, your office phone and every hour of your life is haunted by her incessant ranting of, “Where are you now?” or “Why didn’t you answer my call just now?”

They are people with very low self-esteem. Are always paranoid about other women snatching or seducing their men. Of cos, there are some men who behave the same too.

It seems that this type of possessive women tend to hang out with very negative colleagues or friends who always had some kind of marital or relationship problems with their man. And they always love to stereotype all men as flirtatious and needing constant monitoring.

But, they didn’t know this, sometimes, all this constant paranoid monitoring pisses men off so much that, in some instances, they seek refuge in other women’s arms instead. Of cos, the act is debatable.

To sum it up, the possessive women are emotionally unstable. They have high chances of going into a post natal depression easily if they have just given birth. They are never satisfied with whatever men do or say. Always fault finding.
Who is going to be possessed by this possessive woman?
Hopefully the mummy’s boy type of men. Perfect harmony.

6) Domineering women
She wears the pants in the house or in the relationship. These self-righteous women are difficult to reason with. She thinks she’s smarter and more intelligent then you. Holds a lucrative career with an important job title. Takes home a fat paycheck. She decides what you wear to dinner or events. She buys your toiletries and chooses the design of your underwear.

And because some men are incompetent or complacent, they let the women run their lives and even their finance as well. Eventually, over the years, the woman feels that their man is like a child to them. Always needing constant nagging and supervision. Time to do this or do that.

Of cos, some men do deserve to be treated like this. They do not master their role as well as a man should. Instead, always cowering from inconveniences or adversities in life. Rather leave everything to the woman to handle.

I feel that, certain domineering women are in fact nurtured by the men themselves. If they had taken over certain tasks at hand and not relied on the women to do it, she would never have to feel her man is like a child who needs taking care of.

Who is going to get whipped by her tonight?

I guess, it’s going to be the no-ambition, lazy, good-for-nothing, hen-pecked men.

So, there you have it gentlemen, the informal guide to finding yourself a good partner.

Your sweet and sour comments are welcome.

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